ISP 12 Months Subscription
Subscribe now and get 4K/FHD/HD/SD World Wide channels / latest series and movies.
We are sure of the quality that we deliver. This is why we give you an opportunity to compare the services of other IPTV providers that you know with ours so that you can convince yourself that it is truly worth it.
1- Fast delivery. ( Remembre to check SPAM folder first or contact us directly via what’s app number to receive your login details quickly)
2-Easy to setup.
3- 24h/7d Technical Support via what’s app or email.
4-How it works :
- IPTV STREAM PLAYER Application subscription 12 months official.
Easy to use and intuitive design
- Organization of the playlist by channels and vods, replay channels, EPG timeline ..
- Search channels and vods.
- Contains 2 integrated players and possibility to use VLC and MX Player as external player.
- EPG (TV guide) and automatic logos for TV channels
- Informations about Vods: Synopsis, Posters from movies a
nd serie - s, notes ..
- List of favorites
- Information about your subscription: Subscription status, expiration date ..etc
- Works without m3u (Thanks to the Xtream-Codes API)
Download IPTV STREAM PLAYER NOW are available at:
- Google Play Store and compatible with: Android Box, Smartphones, Tablets, Android TV ..
No need to lose your head with the link or m3u file, this application only works with username, password and a server URL that will be communicated to you by Email when selecting this application with your order, if you don ‘ do not have a subscription yet, place your order here.
Any name: Techno iptv
Username: …
Password: …
Server URL: http://…….:80